​Devlog #4 - Feature: Sandbox

Devlog #4 - Feature: Sandbox

Sandbox is the place where you can test your characters, items, npcs, tiles...

You can access it on the tab button in every editor

So, this is where the fun is

I want this place to be the place where you can do silly and stupid things. Some sort of "super lite garrysmod"

Test items? No problem

Some sort of quick monster arena? no problem

Want to test your new octorok boss with your friend? No problem!

Want to just crash the editor and test the limits? NO PROBLEM!

You probably noticed the last tab called "Tiles". Yes, you can also place tiles in the sandbox, and create your instant maps in the sandbox to just test tiles, or play around. It is not done yet, that is the cause I didn't show it.

You can also use the mouse for some actions:

Only move entities, and copy them, though. I want to add more, but I still need to think about it (Maybe an action to cause damage on click?)

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